LM Allhands 9/2/2021

New school year will begin on 9/12 at 10 a.m. The LMCA will be held at Richard Montgomery High School.
Dear Li-Ming Families,
Welcome back and we hope you all have a wonderful summer! We would like to share the important information of Fall 2021 Li-Ming Chinese Academy (LMCA) in-person learning. As usual, LMCA will follow the MCPS guidelines on school closure and any COVID-19 related guidelines. For COVID-19 isolation and quarantine guidelines, you can find detailed information at MCPS COVID Guidelines 08-2021. For social distancing, contact tracing and masks requirements, you can find detailed information at MCPS Reopening 2021.
LMCA COVID-19 Guidelines:
- LMCA requires all parents/guardians to sign the COVID-19 waiver before their child(ren) return to school. Please e-mail waiver back to the Room Parent.
- MCA encourage all students, staff, parents, and volunteers who are eligible to get COVID-19 vaccine.
- All students, staff and visitors will be required to wear face-coverings in school building and classroom regardless of vaccination status.
- Students, staff, and parents must stay home and immediately notify teacher and the Room Parent when experiencing any possible symptoms of COVID-19 or receive a positive test result.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up
- We strongly encourage curbside drop-off and pick-up to reduce direct contact with others. Please see map attached for drop-off and pick-up route (red arrows) and building entrance (yellow arrow).
- Staggered pick-up schedules
Pick-Up Time Classes Designated pick-up location 12:15pm P3, P4 and Zhuyin RMHS Cafeteria** 12:20pm 1st – 6th grade RMHS Curbside 12:25 pm 7th – 12thgrade RMHS Curbside School hallways and cafeteria are only open for teachers, students, and volunteers NOT to parents.
**P3, P4, and Zhuyin pick-up exception - All extracurricular activities are canceled for the Fall 2021 semester. We will re-evaluate the possibilities of restarting the extracurricular activities for Spring 2022.
- To avoid the potential schedule conflict of MCPS Back to School night meetings, LMCA will held a virtual Return to School information meeting
https://li-ming-org.zoom.us/j/83660414669?pwd=ZUkvanNYdzJlTzJGVVQ5RUgvYlpMUT09 on Wednesday September 8th, from 8:30pm to 10:00pm to address questions and concerns. The meeting recording will be made available for later viewing. - Please submit your question(s) to info@li-ming.org by 12:00pm, Wednesday September 8th
- lease see LMCA’s COVID-19 Frequent Ask Questions (FAQ) for further information.
Room parents will send out the class assignment by email.
All extracurricular activities are canceled for the Fall 2021 semester. We will re-evaluate the possibilities of restarting the extracurricular activities for Spring 2022.
Please verify your family information and make sure the email is correct for future communications from class and school. Please contact Wei-Han Liu at (703) 354-4515 or info@li-ming.org for any updates.
- 9/8 Wednesday 8:30 pm-10 pm
Return to School information meeting
LMCA will held a virtual Return to School information meeting on Wednesday September 8th, from 8:30pm to 10:00pm to address questions and concerns. The meeting recording will be made available for later viewing.
https://li-ming-org.zoom.us/j/83660414669?pwd= ZUkvanNYdzJlTzJGVVQ5RUgvYlpMUT 09 - 9/12 Sunday
First day of class, Submit Summer Homework - 9/18 Saturday @ 10 a.m.
ew Family Welcome & Orientation Zoom
ew Family Welcome & Orientation Zoom will be a held online on Saturday, 9/19 at 10 am. Parents of new families should plan to attend. Current parents are also welcomed. https://li-ming-org.zoom.us/j/ 83660414669?pwd= ZUkvanNYdzJlTzJGVVQ5RUgvYlpMUT 09 - 10/3 Sunday
Room Parents Meeting (online)
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