LM Allhands 2/23/2023

Feb 26, 2023 – Bao Bei
Mar 05, 2023 – Taipei Cafe
Mar 12, 2023 – Inari Sushi
Mar 19, 2023 – Bao BeiThere will be a pre-order form available on the week prior so that parents can order ahead of schedule. If you have any question, please contact lunchservices@li-ming.
Chinese AP Practice Test will be held online on 3/11 and 3/12
Spring 2023 extracurricular activities has officially begun on February 5. Please refer to the following link for the course types and class times of extracurricular activities: List of extracurricular activities
WMACS 17th Youth Folk Sports Chinese YoYo Competition is coming! This year’s competition will be held at the Overseas Chinese Education Center at 1:30pm on March 18. Please contact Liang (Tzu-Liang / 嚴子良) Yen, our Chinese YoYo captain, if you would like to join this event.
President’s Volunteer Service Award Guidelines
Li-Ming middle and high school students now have the opportunity to earn the presidential volunteer service award. Please see the detail here.
Rho-Psi Scholarship Application
2022 Rho Psi Society Scholarship Application is now open for interested Chinese youths residing in the Metropolitan Washington DC region. Please check www.RhoPsi.Org for details.
2023 Rho Psi Society Youth Leadership and Service Award
Applicant Qualification: Currently enrolled junior or senior in high school in the Greater Washington area
Application Deadline: 02/28/2023
2023 Rho Psi Society Youth Leadership and Service Award
Classroom Activities
Spring Academic recitals for Zhu-Yin and above grade classes will start from 3/26. Please check the following dates/times, and locations for details.
*1st grade to 5th grade classes are not open for visitors.
3/26 10:50 ~ 11:35 am 注音班 (Zhu-Yin) (Rm 159)
三班 (3rd Grade) (Not open for visitors)
四班 (4th Grade) (Not open for visitors)
11:40 ~ 12:25 am 一班 (1st Grade) (Not open for visitors)
二班 (2nd Grade) (Not open for visitors)
雙五 (Bilingual 5th Grade) (Not open for visitors)
十二班 (12th Grade) (Rm 215)
4/2 10:00 ~ 11:35 am 七班 (7th Grade) (Rm 220)
10:50 ~ 11:35 am 八班 (8th Grade) (Rm 219)
4/16 10:50 ~ 12:25 am 六班 (6th Grade) (Rm 170)
4/23 10:50 ~ 12:25 am 九班 (9th Grade) (Rm 218)
10:50 ~ 11:35 am 十班 (10th Grade) (Rm 217)
5/7 TDB 五班 (5th Grade) (Not open for visitors)
Recruiting Volunteers
LMCA needs a few volunteers to assist with the following positions. If you are interested, please contact Principal Alice Wang at info@li-ming.org.
Facility Affair Division – Patrol Captain : Supervise student drop off traffic and campus safety
Facility Affair Division – Facility Coordinator : Coordinate the classroom usages with ICB
Curriculum & Instruction Division – Administrative Support: Need 2-3 volunteers to help set up & break down computers and projectors in classrooms.
Student Affair Division -Student volunteer coordinator
Curriculum & Instruction Division – Substitute Teacher
Curriculum & Instruction Division – Pinyin-Typing Teacher
Curriculum & Instruction Division – Cultural Arts & Crafts Teacher
Secretary Division – IT division– Webmaster
Secretary Division – IT division– All Hands Newsletter Editor
Other Activities
2023 WMACS Summer Camps
The WMACS is offering a week-long overnight summer camp from 7/22-7/29 at Notre Dame of Maryland University (located in Baltimore, MD). Classes include a combination of folk sports, chorus, folk dance, modern dance, Chinese brush painting, arts and crafts, etc. Registration will be open on 2/1. Click here for more details.
As of February 1st, 2023, registration is now open! Please use this link to complete the registration form (https://forms.gle/D4WCqSHXvMBzyMc29).
There are 3 waves for registration, so be sure to register early for the lowest price!
WAVE 1: 2/1/23 – 3/20/23 $695 Camper fee (TOTAL $745)*
WAVE 2: 3/21/23 – 5/15/23 $725 Camper fee (TOTAL $775)*
WAVE 3: 5/16/23 – 6/15/23 $750 Camper fee (TOTAL $800)*
*Registration fee: $50 per camper
Children’s Chinese Competency Certification (CCCC)/ Test Of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL)
1. 4/16, 2pm @ Lake Braddock
2. 4/30, 1:50pm @ Cabin John
Details: tocfl.edu.tw
Registration: Link
- 2/26 Sunday School-wide Speech Contest (1st grade and up)
- 3/5 Sunday Chinese AP Practice Test, 8-10th
- 3/12 Sunday Beginning of Daylight Saving Time, forward 1 hour
- 3/19 Sunday Class as Usual
- 3/26 Sunday K Class Nursery Rhymes Recital, 1st thru 5th Grades Academic Competition
- 4/2 Class as Usual
- 4/9 Sunday Spring Break – No School
(4/9 Easter Sunday; Montgomery County Schools Spring Break 4/3 – 4/10) - 4/15 Sunday Grades Academic Recital
- 4/23 Sunday Admission Information Session
Second Teachers’ Meeting
Academic Recital
- 2022-2023 Calendar
- LMCA Maps and Direction
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