Learning Resources
Chinese Typing Resource
- 8th Grade Pinyin Typing Practice
- Chinese Pronunciation Practice
- How to add “phonetic guides” to text in Windows
- Learn Pinyin in 3 minutes (Chinese only)
- How to save a Chinese Text as a Graphic File (GIF file)
- Fonts Samples
- Zhuyin to Pinyin Conversion Table for computer input
- Pinyin to Zhuyin Conversion Table for computer input
- Pinyin input special rules
- 拼音中文電腦練習教材1
- 拼音中文電腦練習教材2
- 拼音中文電腦練習教材3
- #1 背影
- #2 海軍通話
- #3 老人和孫子
- #3a 說話的藝術
- #4 象形, 指事, 形聲
- #5 釣魚竿
- #6 吃虧是福, 難得糊塗
- #7 同音字
- #8 你最後悔的是什麼?
- #9 守株待兔
- #10 杞人憂天
- #11 三顧茅廬
- #12 班門弄斧
- #13 口蜜腹劍
- #14 唇亡齒寒
- #15 懸樑刺股