LM Allhands 11/21/2018

There will be no school this Sunday (11/25). We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving holiday.
LMPA has started holiday luncheon and pizza pre-orders through the online Google Forms. Please make payment (cash or credit card) during the school sessions on Sundays. If you have questions or would like to make a change to your order, please contact us at: liming.parentsassociation@gmail.com. The last day of pre-order will be 12/9.
Besides the prize donations from LMPA and school staff, we encourage families and volunteers donate the holiday party gifts for drawing. More gifts, the higher chance to win the prize! Good luck on winning the big prize!
Bring a partner and perform in Li-Ming’s December Holiday Party (to be held on 12/16)! Performers and student volunteers will be offered SSL hours and free raffle tickets! The following student volunteer positions are open: English-speaking MC, Game host, and backstage ushers. If interested in volunteering or if you have a performance idea, please reach out to Sandra Jeng at sandra.jeng@gmail.com. We are also looking for parent volunteers! Please sign up using SignUpGenius.
The SGA continues collecting new or used books. Please donate any Chinese books, dictionaries, SAT, and AP books to the SGA.
Annual Chinese calligraphy contest will be held at 1:00 PM on Saturday, 12/1/2018 at Culture Center. The deadline for registration is 11/23/2018.
LMCA website added a new “Lost and Found” page. Please check this link if you have items lost at school. The “Lost and Found” page will be updated regularly.
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