LM Allhands 2/1/2018

Spring extracurricular activities will begin on 2/4. Students will receive $5 discount per class if registered and paid in full no later than 2/18. Please check LM website for details.
Those who have not registered for spring semester , please submit your tuition or send it to Ms. Yiching Lee (571-215-7950) at front desk no later than 2/4.
Please join us for “Conversational Chinese tutoring” (10:15 – 11:15 am) and “Beginner Chinese Tutoring” (11:30 – 12:20 pm) this Spring if you are interested. http://li-ming.org/wp-content/uploads/ChineseTutoring2018Spring.pdf
Please encourage your child to participate in the Speech Contest. Age-group selection will take place after school on 3/4. To register, please contact Ms. Mei Chen: chenlaoshioui@gmail.com.
National Preparation Test for SAT II Subject Mock Test in Chinese will be held on 3/4. Please contact Mr. Jesse Taur if you need to have a make-up test.
There will be Fire Drill on 3/18.
2018 Rho Psi Society Scholarships including Science & Technology, Leadership & Service, Arts, Sports and Need-Based Scholarship programs are available to apply now. Application deadline for each scholarship is different. Please check http://rhopsi.org/rho-psi-scholarships/overview/ for details.
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