黎明週訊 11/3/2022
![{:tw}黎明週訊 11/3/2022{:}{:en}LM Allhands 11/03/2022{:}](http://li-ming.org/wp-content/uploads/rmhs.png)
黎明午餐服務 Lunch Provide schedule
2022-11-06 Bao Bei
2022-11-13 Taipei Cafe
There will be a pre-order form available on the week prior so that parents can order ahead of schedule. If you have any question, please contact lunchservices@li-ming.
WMACS近期活動: 青年職涯發展座談會 & 書法比賽
- 12/10 (1-5pm) 「 2022聯誼會書法比賽」. 詳情及報名請見 2022書法比賽規章
- MGY Virtual Hangout: An online gathering that offers high schoolers in Taiwan and the US to meet and discuss on different topics of their interests Student participants from the US will receive SSL hours by attending the session(s)
Program Intro: https://ocacnews.net/article/315250 https://17news.net/130552/
Event Info & Online Sign-up: Please use the signup link
學術觀摩 Academic Recitals
11/6 學術觀摩Academic Recital
- 10:50 ~ 11:35 a.m.
三班 (3rd Grade) Room 162 - 11:40 a.m.
注音班 (Zhu-Yin) Room 159
11/13 學術觀摩Academic Recital
- 10:00 ~ 10:45 a.m.
二班 (2nd Grade) Room 161
七班 (7th Grade) Room 220
11/20 學術觀摩Academic Recital
- 10:50 ~ 11:35 a.m.
一班 (1st Grade) Room 160 - 11:40 a.m.
四班 (4th Grade) Room 166
十班 (10th Grade) Room 217
12/11 學術觀摩Academic Recital
- 10:00 ~ 10:45 a.m.
五班 (5th Grade) Room 168
九班 (9th Grade) Room 218
- 10:50 ~ 11:35 a.m.
六班 (6th Grade) Room 170 - 11:40 a.m.
雙五 (Bilingual 5th Grade) Room 164
若需要更改府上通訊錄資料,請 email to info@li-ming.org
- 11/6 夏令時間結束、時鐘撥後一小時
- 注音、一至四班兒歌朗讀觀摩 K, 1st thru 4th Grades Nursery Rhymes Recital
- 11/13 五至七班學術觀摩
- 11/20 九至十二班學術觀摩
- 11/27 感恩節放假 Thanksgiving - No School
- 12/4 [12/3 Sat. 10:30 a.m. 書法比賽]
演講比賽說明會(一班以上) - 12/11 星期日 [12/10 Sat. 1-5pm 書法比賽] 第二次教學會議週
- 12/18 星期日 照常上課
- 12/25 星期日 寒假
- 1/1/2023 星期日 寒假
- 2022-2023 校曆
- LMCA Maps and Direction