5/13/2017: 捷報! 代表本校參加大華府地區中文學校聯誼會(WMACS) 校際「漢字辨認比賽」的同學表現非常出色。榮獲小學組第一及第二名!每一位同學都不斷練習,謝謝他(她) 們的認真參與,更要謝謝家長們的全力支持和老師們 (陳怡文、陳得卿、柯懿真和白淑華) 的盡心輔導。
鄭睿安 (五班)
鄭睿文 (四班)
曾子芩 (五班)
羅毅 (五班)
鍾曉艾 (五班)
康存道 (五班)
Chinese Words Recognition Contest
5/13/2017 – Congratulations! Our Elementary School Group won the 1st and 2nd places in the Chinese Vocabulary Competition for Chinese Schools in the Greater Washington DC region. We truly thank for the participating students for their hard working and the great teachers (Yiwen Chen, Teching Chen, Yi-Chen Ko and Shu-Hua Pai) and their parents for their patience and full support.
Elementary School Group:
Garion Cheng (5th Grade)
Evan Cheng (4th Grade)
Alicia Tseng (5th Grade)
Matthew Lo (5th Grade)
Alma Zhong (5th Grade)
Lucas Kang (5th Grade)