End of Year Ceremony and Performance
End of School Ceremony
Please click the URL below to access video recordings on LMCA YouTube channel and photos for end-of-year ceremony, awards, speech demonstrations and extracurricular activity performance:
黎明特別服務獎: 陳津涓
Special Service Award: JJ Chou

黎明服務二十年獎: 章寒茵、李昌蓉、劉裕松
20-Years of Service: Han-In Chang, Cindy Lee and Larry Liu

黎明服務十五年獎: 王麗 (未出席)、佘交詠
15-Years of Service: Li Wang (absent) and Allen Sher

黎明服務十年獎:林泱洋、柯懿真、林淑芬、仲同文、黃瑞禮 、黃郁雅、管清鐸 、陳惠蘭 (未出席)、王玫芬
10-Years of Service:Yang-Yang Lin, Yi-Chen Ko, Shufen Lin, Kevin Chung, Ray Hwang, Krista Huang, Joseph Kuan, Emily Chen (absent) and Mei-Fen Yen

黎明服務五年獎:卓桂芳 (未出席)、王心怡、王育惠、周雅玲、趙琬如、吳志強、鄭成嫻、譚欣儀、楊曉婷
5-Years of Service:Sarah Jwo (absent), Alice Wang, Yuhui Wang, Daphne Chou, Wen-Lu Chao, John Wu, Chen-hsien Cheng, Hsin-I Tan and Hsiao-Ting Yang

海華優良學生獎學金 :十一班胡奕平
SATII 滿分: 十一班晏文婕、顏之晴
美東中文學校協會榮譽學生榜 :十一班晏文婕、胡奕平、王君豪、管培澤
Haihua Outstanding Student Award :11th grade Claire Hu
SATII Full Score: 11th grade Jaime Yen, Tiffany Yen
American Chinese School Association Honors Student List:11th grade Jaime Yen, Claire Hu, Simon Wang and Justin Kuan

美東中文學校優良教師獎: 柯品羽、魏碧蓉、顏琇玲
美東中文學校五年資深教師獎: 白淑華
美東中文學校十年資深教師獎: 荊美光、李昌蓉
Merit Award in Teaching: Pin Yu Ko, Bih Wei, Sheila Yuan
5-Year Service in Teaching: Shu-Hua Pai
10-Year Service in Teaching: Mei-Kuang Cheng, Cindy Lee

小學組第一名: 馬良楷(五班)、劉士遠(四班)、鄭睿文(五班)
初中組第三名: 吳沅昊 (七班)、羅毅 (六班)、劉士潔 (八班)
Chinese Vocabulary Competition Awards for Chinese Schools in the Greater Washington DC region
Elementary School Group 1st Place: Kevin Ma (5th Grade), Nathan Liu (4th Grade), Evan Cheng (5th Grade)
Middle School Group 3rd Place: Andrew Wu (7th Grade), Matthew Lo (6th Grade), Jacqueline Liu (8th Grade)

高中組第二名: 白吉恩 (十班)、呂敏文 (十班)、唐于婷 (十班)
高中組第一名: 王鎧 (九班)、李巧翎 (九班)、李潔如 (十班 )
High School Group 2nd Place: June Barash (10th Grade), Victoria Lu (10th Grade), Amanda Tang (10th Grade)
High School Group 1st Place: Justin Wang (9th Grade), Carolyn Lee (9th Grade), Jessica Lee (10th Grade)

Speech Demonstration: 1st grade Lucas Tseng

Speech Demonstration: 4th grade Stephanie Wei

Speech Demonstration: 6th grade Lucas Kang

Speech Demonstration: 6th grade Alicia Tseng

Speech Demonstration: 9th grade Carolyn Lee

Chinese Kung-Fu Demonstration

Chinese Yo-Yo Performance

Karate Performance