

譬如: 本校遵照蒙郡 ICB 網站公佈的校舍關閉 (school closing for community  activities)通知,決定停課一日:  http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/cupf/info-cupf/emergency.html

黎明場地租約協調員先與OCUPF 聯繫,靜候通知 (通常週日清晨才決定, 但偶而週六就已知) 。若校舍關閉,協調員通知黎明校長之後,由協調員立即電告:

  1. 佈告編輯員 – 發緊急AllHands 電郵,並請資料組在本校網站首頁公佈本校停課一日
  2. 教務長 – 轉告副教務長 – 轉告各組班級導師 – 轉告該班班母 – 班母用e-mail 通告該班所有家長。
  3. 課外活動副校長 – 自行設計聯絡網,通知非本校家長之課外活動教師與學員 (如太極、Zumba、國畫等等) 。
  4. 班級聯絡組 – 準備回答各班家長的疑問。
  5. 各單位副校長 – 通知該單位非家長之志工。
  6. 家長會長以及餐飲服務部長 – 取消早餐、午餐訂單和家長會活動。

Example:  In case the Montgomery County school facilities are closed due to the inclement weather. (School closing for community activities per ICB web posting)

Li-Ming Facility Coordinator with ICB will closely contact OCUPF and wait for words from him (Usually not until early morning on Sunday, but sometimes we do get updates on Saturday.).  In case facility closes, the Li-Ming Facility Coordinator will notify the Li-Ming Principal. The Li-Ming Facility Coordinator will call:

  1. AllHands Editor – send an emergency AllHands e-mail and inform the Webmaster to put announcement on the LiMing website li-ming.org.
  2. Curriculum & Instruction Department Head – call Assistant Directors – call teachers under their groups – call room parents – room parents will use e-mail to notify every family in the class.
  3. Extracurricular Department Head – devise own procedure to notify extracurricular teachers and students (e. g., Taichi, Zumba, Chinese painting etc.) who DO NOT have children in Li-Ming language classes.
  4. Room Parents Coordinator – on standby to answer questions from class parents.
  5. All Deputy Principals – to staffs in their departments who DO NOT have children in Li-Ming language classes.
  6. PTA President and Lunch Services Department Head – to cancel breakfast, lunch orders, and other PTA activities in time.