A. 上午交通尖峰時間,如想快速放下乘客,請遵照停車場 “STUDENT DROP OFF”標誌及糾察的指揮,在餐廳前暫停,放下乘客,再向前開,勿熄火或停車。
B. 中午語文課後,如想快速接上乘客,也請在餐廳前暫停,勿熄火或離車。
A. 上午交通尖峰時間,如想快速放下乘客,請遵照停車場 “STUDENT DROP OFF”標誌及糾察的指揮,在餐廳前暫停,放下乘客,再向前開,勿熄火或停車。
B. 中午語文課後,如想快速接上乘客,也請在餐廳前暫停,勿熄火或離車。
A. 切勿停在 “STUDENT DROP OFF”標誌的黃線旁,以免妨害Drop-off或Pick-up 的車輛。
B. 停車場內,車速儘量放慢 (5 mph),當心行人、兒童。
C. 若無州政府核准有效期內之牌照或掛牌,無論停車場
A. 學生可在 “STUDENT DROP OFF” 處等車。
B. 等車時,不可追趕、跑跳。
A. If you wish to drop off the student during rush hours, please follow the school signs “STUDENT DROP OFF”. Form a single line, or follow patrol's direction, to drop off your child promptly at the curb marked “STUDENT DROP OFF”. Do not turn off the engine or leave your car unattended.
B. During lunch break, you may pick up the student at the same spot in the manner described above.
A. DO NOT park by the yellow curb marked “STUDENT DROP OFF”. Cars parked there will obstruct the drop-off and pick-up traffic.
B. Drive slowly (5 mph) in the parking lot. Watch for pedestrians, especially children, crossing.
C. NEVER park at the “HANDICAPPED” parking spaces without valid handicapped license or tag.
A. Student can wait at the “STUDENT DROP OFF” curb for parent's quick pick-up.
B. No chasing or running while waiting.