9:40 a.m. 到校,請在餐廳入口右邊,自動穿上橘紅色背心,糾察隊長即會與您聯絡,指定您的崗位。
- 背心代表糾察權威。當天請全天穿著背心,以利值勤。
- 值勤時,請立場堅定,態度溫和 (解釋規則時,面帶微笑)。
- 9:45 至10:10 a.m. 交通尖峰時間,請在室外崗位指揮交通,確保學生安全。
- 10:15 至10:45 a.m. 在走廊巡邏,或在餐廳協助各辦公室作業。
- 10:45 a.m. 打下課鈴。並在走廊拐角處,監督兩側走廊學生休息。學生可在走廊走動,但不可爬欄杆、追趕、跑跳、碰lockers、上下樓、或進入本校未租用之處。
- 10:50 a.m.打上課鈴。然後請繼續在走廊巡邏,或回餐廳協助各辦公室作業。
- 11:35 a.m. 打下課鈴。在走廊拐角處,監督兩側走廊學生休息。
- 11:40 a.m. 打上課鈴。請繼續在走廊巡邏,或回餐廳協助各辦公室作業。
- 12:25 p.m. 打下課鈴後請至室外原崗位,指揮交通。
- 交通尖峰過後(約12:40 p.m.),經隊長同意後下崗。
- 您如留校午餐或參加下午課外活動,請繼續穿著背心,待命服務。
- 在離校前,請把背心掛回原處。
Arrive in the cafeteria at 9:40 a.m. Put on an orange vest for the patrol leader to recognize you. You will be assigned a post by the leader.
- Wear your uniform the whole time while you are in the school. The vest signifies authority and identifies you as a patrol.
- Be strict in enforcing the rules while being courteous (put on a smile when explaining the rules).
- 9:45 – 10:10 a.m. Direct traffic at your post.
- 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Patrol the hallway for unusual incidents or help the staff in the cafeteria.
- 10:45 a.m. Ring bell for recess. Monitor the student recess activities at the corners of the hallway. Students may stroll in the hallway. Climbing, chasing, running, tampering the lockers, going upstairs/downstairs, or entering unauthorized areas are not allowed.
- 10:50 a.m. Ring bell for 2nd Class. Patrol the hallway for unusual incidents or help the staff in the cafeteria.
- 11:35 a.m. Ring bell for recess. Monitor the student recess activities at the corners of the hallway.
- 11:40 a.m. Ring bell for 3rd Class. Patrol the hallway for unusual incidents or help the staff in the cafeteria.
- 12:25 p.m. Ring bell for recess. Return to your post and direct traffic.
- After the second rush hour (around 12:40 p.m.), check with the leader for dismissal.
- If you stay for lunch or extracurricular activities in the afternoon, please keep wearing your uniform so that you can be readily identified for assistance.
- Return the vest to the original place before you leave for the day.