Graduation Ceremony

Graduation Ceremony

注音班和十二班級將在學年結束前舉行畢業典禮. 大家向畢業生們揮別並獻上虔誠的祝福。謝謝所有幫忙的老師、班母、家長和義工,也感謝十一班和學生會多位同學和家長全程參與,提供許多服務。


Graduation ceremonies are held for P4 and 12th grades. Thanks to all teachers, room parents, parents, volunteers, and 11th grade students for your assistance and support.

Video recordings of P4 graduation ceremony and performances can be found on the LMCA YouTube Channel.

大幼班與雙語大幼班畢業典禮相片可直接點閱: Link 1 | Link 2

Click the links to view the photos of P4 and B4 graduation ceremony and performances: Link 1 | Link 2.


The video recordings of 12th grade graduation ceremony and speeches have been uploaded to LMCA YouTube channel.

十二班「畢業典禮」相片可上網瀏覽: Link 1 | Link 2

Click the links to view the photos of 12th grade graduation ceremony: Link 1 | Link 2