

4/13/2024: 恭喜黎明參加大華府地區中文學校(WMACS)校際演講比賽的四位學生皆得到優勝。

小學第一組 二班 王瑩璇

小學第二組 三班 陸道弘

小學第三組 六班 廖心愉

高中組 十一班 馬良楷

4/13/2024: Congratulations to our LiMing students who participated in the WMACS Chinese Speech Contest!

Our student winners were:

(Elementary Group 1) 2nd grade Aimee Ong

(Elementary Group 2) 3rd grade Alec Lu

(Elementary Group 3) 6th grade Amelia Liao

(High School Group) 11th grade Kevin Ma

4/14/2018: 捷報! 今年中文學校校際演講比賽,在六班陳梅芬老師的帶領,和黎明演講團隊的各個老師 (盧文文老師、 荊美光老師、 陳又華老師、 朱宜弘老師、 王麗老師、 周今白老師和葉軫棋老師)的共同努力之下,表現優異!

得獎的學生是: (小學組) 一班曾宥文 , 四班魏宇彤 , (初中組) 六班康存道, 六班曾子芩 , (高中組) 九班李巧翎, 十二班林昱廷 。

4/14/2018: We would like to thank Ms. Mei Chen, the 6th grade teacher for leading the group, and the other teachers (Wen-Wen Yi, Mei-Kuang Cheng, Kathy Chen, Iris Y. Chen, Li Wang, Gene Chou & Christine Yeh-Bien) who helped out for our successful showing at WMACS Chinese Speech Contest on April 14th.

Our student winners were: (Elementary) 1st Grade Lucas Tseng, 4th Grade Stephanie Wei, (Intermediate) 6th Grade Lucas Kang, 6th Grade Alicia Tseng, (Advanced) 9th Grade Carolyn Lee, and 12th Grade Sean Lin.

4/1/2017: 今年中文學校校際演講比賽,在六班陳梅芬老師的帶領,和黎明演講團隊的各個老師 (荊美光,盧文文,陳幼華、許海雯,陳惠文,朱宜弘,吳咏堅,陳津娟和周今白)的共同努力之下,再度大放異彩,大獲全勝!

得獎的學生是: 一班李若溪,二班賴思岑,三班張安柏,五班曾子芩,六班 韓承志,九班白吉恩,和十二班佘修晨。

4/1/2017: We would like to thank Ms. Mei Chen, the 6th grade teacher for leading the group, and the other teachers (Mei-Kuang Cheng, Wen-Wen Yi, Kathy Chen, Haiwen Hsu, Hui-Wen Lin, Iris Y. Chen, John Wu, J.J. Chou & Gene Chou) who helped out for our successful showing at WMACS Chinese Speech Contest on April 1st.

Our student winners were: 1st grade Rosie Lee, 2nd grade Valerie Lai, 3rd grade Amber Chang, 5th grade Alicia Tseng, 6th grade Ethan Han, 9th grade June Barash, and 12th grade Jasmine Sher.